$50.00 Hourly
I am in need of a Full Stack Developer who is proficient in Java script, PHP, CSS, as well as all the latest stuff, and has experience with database integration and responsive design to fix our dating website(s) and database. The live project you will be working on it and some of the sites that are identical but branded differently but also part of our network of free dating sites.
We will be integrating 60 or so sites into one and making many changes. Some will need to be recoded and some things can be saved.
Prefer bite sized approach focused on a trusting long term relationship. You should be highly skilled and fast as well as what you do.
We prefer a single individual or very small team.
There is also code hacks that are redirecting out traffic that needs to be sorted out.
Key Responsibilities:
- Implementing database integration: I need to ensure that the front-end and back-end communicate seamlessly, allowing for optimal user experience.
- Responsive design: It's crucial that the developer has a solid understanding of responsive design principles to ensure the site is mobile-friendly and user-friendly across different devices.
Ideal Skills and Experience:
- Proficient in Java script
- Strong knowledge of CSS
- Experience in database integrations
- Skilled in responsive design principles
Additional Information:
- Experience with various frameworks and libraries like React, Angular, and Vue.js would be a plus, even though I didn't specify any in my initial requirements.
Please provide examples of past work and references if possible. Looking forward to hearing from qualified candidates.
Below is the technology we use and yes most of its outdated and we do want to explore updating parts of it as well but stabilizing things and fixing hacked parts as well as consolidating other niches sites into one is the first priority.
Programming Languages :
Main programming languages are
Java script
Following libraries are used
Code igniter (PHP)
JQuery Library (Java scripts)
Bootstrap (HTML/ CS)
API Programming
Google / Facebook / Twitter API
Moderator Panel :
Programming languages and everything same as the above. However for the setup dating side we built a custom API for handling requests from other networking sites and this is built with PHP
User Side :
User side means the all 200 networking sites. Same programming languages are using as mentioned above in first point. And built with API calling to central database as well as some site specific details are saved to a site database such as messages, gallery images, and etc.
Sliders :
Cookies :
Java script cookies and PHP Sessions used to keep the user data for current active sessions of the user
Messages :
For handling message requests we used Nodejs server thus reduced the load to php. Conversations are stored in Mysql database of each site and serialized to compress and store data.
Email Panel were using :
Currently using same hosting email server for sending emails and the sending options are custom built with php and code igniter. For compose emails we used CKEDITOR Java script wysiwyg editor.
Other free ware were using :
Word press components were using :
We are NOT using word press here as this is a custom built solution
Editors software for writing messages :
Same as for email panels we are using CK EDITOR as the editing tool of the back end pages, Email, Settings and etc.
Editor for design side of new sites :
This is complete custom developed solution and not used any editors. J Query, HTML, CSS used to build this and upon save the structure/ data/ css save as files and to database of the site side; as these information are specific to each site.
Files / Data are transferred to the site side using PHP FTP and API Calls.
Cpanel :
Each site installed with Cpanel and there is nothing much to say for this point
- Spain
- Proposal: 15
- Verified
- More than 3 month