$300.00 Hourly
- [ ] User Can
- [] 1. Login, register, lost password, reset password using email.
- [ ] 2. set a nickname and start chatting (no login require). They cannot set nickname which is already in use or registered. They can start chatting if logged in also. In that case show nickname which is set during registered.
- [ ] 3. If logged in, they can create chatroom. // public room with empty user
- [] 4. user can chat in chatroom and individually. In chatroom user can see other user and start individual chat.
- [ ] 5. in individual chat image can be shared. But before sending image, permission is needed by other person. If that person accept that permission both can send image.
- [ ] 6. When any guest user try to start any individual chat, permission is needed by other person. If that person accept then they can start chatting.
7 . They can chat in chatroom, from there they can start individual chat as well (No. 4). Also they can search by nickname (both logged in user and guest user)
8. For sending image Individual and Group Chat need permission any of user in that room , And the public chatroom no on ecan send image but image option will show when user click then show a message line image can be send only Individual and Group Chat
- [ ] Admin can
- [ ] 1. Moderate messages
- [ ] 2. Set ban to any user, ip, device. Set bad word filter.
- [ ] 3. Set how many users can join in a chatroom. Set a default value for all chatroom and can change individually also.
- [ ] 4. Set a user can join in how many chatroom simultaneously. Set a default value for all users and can change individually also. Separate default value setup for logged in users and guest users.
- [ ] 5. Set a user can join in how many individual chat simultaneously. Set a default value for all users and can change individually also. Separate default value setup for logged in users and guest users.
- [ ] Other requirements
- [ ] 1. Restrict bot to use chat. Only human can use chat
- [ ] 2. Attractive UI, responsive, light & dark mode
- [ ] 3. Excellent performance.
- [ ] 4. Can handle large number of users.
- [ ] 5. Analytics
Note : Fronend Will be like simillar to whatsapp . and admin panel with ant Design if possible
- Mexico
- Proposal: 17
- Not Verified
- More than 3 month