Website/platform developer needed

Apr 26, 2024 - Expert

$3,000.00 Fixed

I am looking for a new website/platform developer to complete my website/platform for my company located in Dubai, UAE.

The previous website developer is unable to complete the work due to lack of staff and expertise.

The designs have been created (with Figma), approved and can be made available to you in advance. The designs are already in the logical order of how I envision the website/platform – however, improvement suggestions are welcome and will be gladly accepted. Access to Figma you will receive after a mutual agreement to work together.

Only coding is left!!!

I work in taxation. Generally, we work with fixed fees for our services, but costs for additional services that are out of scope can irritate some clients; they would rather not continue their strategy or look for other service providers.

The cost of finding a new advisor just for this strategy is very high: arranging appointments, discussing the strategy etc.,

And this is where my website / my platform would like to be the connecting link.

Users post their question or strategy on the platform and registered tax firms, law firms, consultants etc. can make an offer. If the user likes the approach, he/she can either arrange a meeting or sign a contract directly with the network partner.

The language of the website/platform is English and German. The texts will be written by me, including the legal passages.

My idea is similar to that of

I found this link which gives you a better overview of how the website could be built, perceived and maintained (

If you think that my idea and the designs are feasible and you have the capacity to develop this type of website/platform, I would be happy to talk to you.

I would also ask you to let me know in advance the estimated development costs and time.

For any further queries please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

  • Germany
  • Proposal: 3
  • Not Verified
  • More than 3 month
Laura Schmidt Active
Berlin , Germany
Member since
Apr 26, 2024
Total Job