$500.00 Fixed
Programming & Development Web Development & Design
Programming & Development
Web Development & Design
Web Development
Back End Development
Front End Development
Build a basic text editor with this specifications:
1. The first text line is always the title
2. If user make a new text line he start writing text
User can modify text by mark it and use:
3.1. Ctrl + B to make bold
3.2. Ctrl + U to make unterline
3.2. Ctrl + I to make Italic
you can also use this commands:
4.1. Ctrl + Z for undo
4.2. Ctrl + Z + Shift for reundo
5.1. Ctrl + V for paste text or images
5.2. Ctrl + X for cut text or images
5.3. Ctrl + X for cut text or images
6. If you type "Return" you create always a new text line.
7. You can paste images from clipboard or drag and drop images into the text
Use any code, build from gorund
Do not add any buttons
Do not add any extra functions
No user account request
Data should get storaged in browser
Use as framework Next.js
- Germany
- Proposal: 8
- Verified
- More than 3 month